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I just want to correct myself: searching for "beard" DOES in fact bring up the aforementioned morning worship under videos, but the question remains about doing full uninhibited searches, or just keywords of THEIR choosing.
the recent topic by comingoutamycage about the amount of words published by jws decreasing reminded me:.
jws are now publishing more video content than printed content.
all the printed content up until now has either officially or unofficially been made available in digital format with the ability to search for keywords, which removed a layer of control and allows us to instantly find any references to, say, 1975 or "this generation".
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I just want to correct myself: searching for "beard" DOES in fact bring up the aforementioned morning worship under videos, but the question remains about doing full uninhibited searches, or just keywords of THEIR choosing.
the recent topic by comingoutamycage about the amount of words published by jws decreasing reminded me:.
jws are now publishing more video content than printed content.
all the printed content up until now has either officially or unofficially been made available in digital format with the ability to search for keywords, which removed a layer of control and allows us to instantly find any references to, say, 1975 or "this generation".
The recent topic by ComingOutaMyCage about the amount of words published by JWs decreasing reminded me:
JWs are now publishing more video content than printed content. All the printed content up until now has either officially or unofficially been made available in digital format with the ability to search for keywords, which removed a layer of control and allows us to instantly find any references to, say, 1975 or "this generation". But now with videos, it's a little harder to search for statements that didn't age well, unless it's something that's been widely publicized in the ex-JW community.
For instance, if I search for statements on beards, I'll get the most recent WT that said beards are acceptable in some cultures but even then some will refrain.....but I won't be directed to the morning worship video where Stephen Lett brings it up. Now that videos are the majority of publicly published content, there's far less ability to catalog and search for things..... Especially things that we may not think to look for at the time but become relevant later. And as we know, JWdotORG has already for some years been in the practice of deleting videos from the website, such as the one with Jared Kushner.
UNLESS the captions are archived. Many of the videos, not all but most I believe, have embedded subtitles that can be extracted to an SRT text file, which could theoretically be cataloged and searched. However this would be removed when re-rendered such as when uploading to YouTube. Has anyone undertaken such a thing?
check out this convention drama, starting at 21:38 ... david breaths and describes what he sees as bathsheba takes a bath 😅 then they get together and keep weirdly quoting song of solomon in a twisted way... and he keeps calling her sister and later on even "little sister" 😳 just wacko:.
Check out this convention drama, starting at 21:38 ... David breaths and describes what he sees as Bathsheba takes a bath 😅 then they get together and keep weirdly quoting Song of Solomon in a twisted way... and he keeps calling her sister and later on even "little sister" 😳 just wacko:
gotta love jwdotorg as usual regurgitating the financially/politically motivated (and thoroughly disproved) climate change propaganda:.
The fact you think the opposing argument to climate "consensus" is that climate change isn't happening shows that the misrepresentation is working. Almost no one thinks the climate doesn't change. It has from the beginning of time, and the amount of change now is so miniscule compared to historic changes that to attribute to CO2 (which is a RESULT of warmer temperature and not the cause of it, cart before the horse) is to not look at the whole of history.
gotta love jwdotorg as usual regurgitating the financially/politically motivated (and thoroughly disproved) climate change propaganda:.
PS - I guess quoting these "scientists" makes them look better, because climate prophecies usually fail every 10-20 years while JW prophecies usually take a little longer. In both cases however, new understandings are brought forth and records of the old ones are scrubbed where possible.
gotta love jwdotorg as usual regurgitating the financially/politically motivated (and thoroughly disproved) climate change propaganda:.
If you're going for an adjective, sure. I was using a verb. Six one way half a dozen the other.
gotta love jwdotorg as usual regurgitating the financially/politically motivated (and thoroughly disproved) climate change propaganda:.
Gotta love JWdotORG as usual regurgitating the financially/politically motivated (and thoroughly disproved) climate change propaganda:
2022-july-s-147-announcements and reminders .
in english and german.. .
It's such a joke to call one magazine about mental health The Watchtower, and one about the environment Awake!, I mean, where's the difference between the two magazines like there used to be? 😅 They're just logos being used on the covers right now, a pure toss-up. If they had any branding sense they would at least call ONLY the study edition The Watchtower, and call the public edition Awake!
scene: the new world, any minute now.... billy bastard, an aborted fetus is resurrected and immediately dies because he is outside the womb of a birthing person.. repeat ad infinitum.
"any minute now" lol 😆
hi everyone.
i tried many solutions to install but nothing.
i have ubuntu 20.04.4 lts.. thanks..
JWFacts.com has some helpful articles